LATEST NEWS » Awards & Grants

Dobzhansky Prize deadline extended to March 1

Jan 24, 2018 - 04:38 PM

The deadline has been extended for the Theodosius Dobzhansky Prize, which recognizes the accomplishments and future promise of an outstanding young evolutionary biologist. We consider candidates who are working on all areas of evolutionary biology and on any taxonomic group (i.e., plants, animals, fungi, microbes, etc.) and who take empirical and/or theoretical approaches. We value diversity, and are seeking a broad and diverse applicant pool from all axes and components of diversity in the evolutionary biology community. Nominations and applications are due March 1. Learn more here.

Hamilton Award Application

Jan 03, 2018 - 04:47 PM

Students and recent graduates interested in attending Evolution 2018 can also submit abstracts to the Hamilton Symposium until January 15. Applicants are encouraged to also apply for other symposia; if you are not selected for the Hamilton Symposium, you may be selected for another symposium. You will not be required to register for the conference until all presenters have been selected and notified. To learn more, visit the Hamilton Award page here.

Early-career Vocational Opportunities Workshop Proposals

Jan 03, 2018 - 04:44 PM

The SSE Council and GSAC invite proposals for grants up to $3,000 to help support Society-sponsored Early-career Vocational Opportunities (EVO) Workshops. This is a new program to provide valuable learning opportunities for Society graduate students and postdocs. The topic of the workshop can be anything, and material can be presented in any format, as long as it is interactive and its content serves to provide foundational skills that are appropriate for early-career SSE members in the areas of conceptual understanding, data collection, data analysis, or professional development. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more and apply here.

New Research Grants for Graduate Students

Nov 07, 2017 - 02:05 PM

SSE is pleased to announce a new grant program for graduate students: the Graduate Research Excellence Grants (GREG). This program includes two tiers of awards: one for early PhD students and one for advanced PhD students. These awards are named for eminent evolutionary biologists also known for their strong mentorship and training of young evolutionary biologists: The GREG R.C. Lewontin Early Award, and the GREG Rosemary Grant Advanced Award. Applications will be due in February. Learn more about the awards here.

Fisher Prize

Oct 25, 2017 - 03:17 PM

The R. A. Fisher Prize is awarded annually by the Society for the Study of Evolution for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation paper published in the journal Evolution during a given calendar year. The award comes with a $1000 honorarium. Nominations for manuscripts published in 2017, Volume 71, will be accepted through January 31, 2018. To learn more, visit the R.A. Fisher Prize page on the SSE website.

Dobzhansky Prize

Oct 25, 2017 - 03:16 PM

Applications and nominations are now being accepted for the 2018 Dobzhansky Prize, which recognizes the accomplishments and future promise of an outstanding young evolutionary biologist.

Hamilton Awards

Oct 25, 2017 - 03:15 PM

The W. D. Hamilton Award for Outstanding Student Presentation will be given to a student who has presented an outstanding talk at the annual meeting. Applications will be part of the abstract submission process opening in early November and ending in mid-January. This year finalists will receive a registration fee waiver in addition to a $500 travel stipend. Click here to learn more.

Fisher Prize Nominations Now Open

Sep 22, 2017 - 03:34 PM

The R. A. Fisher Prize is awarded annually by the Society for the Study of Evolution for an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation paper published in the journal Evolution during a given calendar year. The award comes with a $1000 honorarium. Nominations for manuscripts published in 2017, Volume 71, will be accepted through January 31, 2018. To learn more, visit the R.A. Fisher Prize page on the SSE website.

Dobzhansky Prize

Jul 03, 2017 - 11:34 AM
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Congratulations to this year’s Dobzhansky Prize winner, Dr. Molly Schumer!

Hamilton Awards

Jun 27, 2017 - 01:33 PM
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Congratulations to the 2017 Hamilton Award winner, Emily Behrman, and Honorable Mention recipients, Jasmine Ono, Foen Peng, and Chathurani Ranathunge!

Fisher Prize

Jun 27, 2017 - 01:09 PM
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Congratuations to Megan Greischar, winner of this year’s R. A. Fisher Prize! Her winning paper was “Predicting optimal transmission investment in malaria parasites.” (Evolution (2016) 70:1542-1558.)

Huxley Award

Jun 23, 2017 - 07:15 PM
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The Society of Evolution Education and Outreach Committee is pleased to announce the winner of the 2017 T.H. Huxley Award, Laura Bankers and colleagues working on the National Center for Science Education (NCSE)'s booster club initiative.

Stephen Jay Gould Prize

Jun 07, 2017 - 03:42 PM
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Congratulations to this year's Stephen Jay Gould Prize Winner, Dr. Timothy R. Birkhead!

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